today in class we watched a video that was about population pyramids. I liked watching the video I think it was easier to take notes on. I learned about demographic transition. which has to do with population. we learned that in pre-industrial areas the life expectancy is going up and the child mortality is lowering. also in industrial areas the child mortality lowers and most people move from rural areas to urban areas to be closer to the factories that they work at. lastly we learned about post-industrial areas and that both there birth and death rate lower because the are more stable and there births ad deaths almost even out.  We also learned about things that can effect the population pyramid. one thing is war it effects the pyramid by there being more women then men in a age period because men usual go to war and not women and it effects the amount of elderly over time because a lot of people could have died during the war, the birth rate usual goes up after because its usually a happy time and the men are back home so the start having babies. also if a country has a one child policy there is a low amount of births and the old people begin to dominate the country also there might be sex selective abortions so there might be a decrease in the amount of babies in a certain sex.


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