today in class we watched a video about global health. we learned that the world used to have a very low income and life expectancy. the life expectancy is the x-axis and it goes from 25-75 years. the y-axis is the income and it starts at 400-40,0000.400 means they at sick and poor. 40,000 means they are rich and healthy. the life expectancy in 1810 was under 40 yrs. in every country besides U.K. and Netherlands. when a countries industrialization increases so does the life expectancy and 1948 the graph was as wide spread as it has ever been and there is countries that there life expectancy is over 75 and has an income average of 40,000 and there is some areas that have a life expectancy just over 25 and the only make 400 dollars of income. I liked watching the video because it helped me understand the graph a lot more and understand what we where talking about a lot more.


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