today we went over the test we took a while ago. also we started to learn about mental maps. questions that have to do with this are how do you describe where things are? and how do you describe your daily routine? also we learned that a mental map is a persons point of view perception of their area of interaction, most commonly called your activity space.
today in class we started to talk about new things. we started to learn about political geography. in other words how the world is organized. the world is organized in countries which are an identifiable land area. they are also organized by nations which are a population with a common culture. the last way is by a state which means a population under a single government and can be synonymous with "country". a better definition of nation is, a group of people with a shared identity think of it as a culture group nations are groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community, which may share a common language, institutions, religion, and/or historical experience. and independent state might have characteristics such as has space of territory which has internationally recognized boundaries, has people w there on an on going basis, has economic activity and organized economy which regulates foreign and domestic trade and issues money, has the power of social engineering,
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