in this story it shows that people want workers that will get things done without asking questions.Workers are not desired that ask questions and don't do what there ask and then the boss has to do it.also workers that do what there asked and work hard don't have to go on strike for higher pay there already paid well because there work doesn't want to lose them because they are needed .now half hearted work is very common and men threaten and beg for another mans assistance in there work .now bosses just smile and ignore when the workers cant do what there asked and then have to find the time there selves to find it. workers aren't as reliable to get things done because they don't do it right when there asked so they get distracted and cant remember exactly what they where asked to do .also it says that the men running the building are often frown on when they fire people  .but most of the time there not doing there work and there incapable and that's the reason they are let go not because the bosses are bad people and want to put them on the street. working is like the survival of the fittest the people who work hard and do what there asked keep there jobs and make money but the people who don't get fired and don't make the money they need for survival. when. you cant receive orders or give them no matter how smart you are you will not succeed in life. when you are thinking of those who don't have jobs you should remember the people who are running businesses and don't have a time they stop and are constantly stressed trying to keep that business are worked for and earned for those who work hard .if you don't work hard and do what your asked you will nit succeed in life.

  1. I'm going to do what I'm asked without asking stupid questions before I do it.
  2. I'm going to study and take notes so I know what I'm doing on test.
  3. I'm going to stay organized and keep my things together,so when I'm asked for something I can get it out right away.
  4. I'm going to do my homework every night and do my best on it.
  5. I'm going to stay focused and do what I'm asked right away.


  1. Evelyn, I would recommend you treat your blog more like other written assignments, an less like a text message. This means you should be using capitalization, and paying attention to spelling and grammar. I give you a 39/50 on the essay, but I think you will do better next time. Your Action Plan is better (although I believe there is no such thing as a "stupid" question), and you should have a good freshman year if you can follow it. 44/50, for a total of 83/100.


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