today in class we took a test about excellence, Greeks, and a message to Garcia. before we took the test I wish I would have looked at the message to Garcia vocabulary more because I had trouble on those questions. I was very confident on the rest of the questions. also I couldn't remember how to spell what Socrates was put to death with. I liked how one of the essay questions was about my opinion Socrates. I was confident also on the questions about Socrates and his trial and what the Socratic method is. Socrates was a very good person who believed strongly in what he did for a living and died for it. if I was in his position I would have said what ever I needed to not to be killed. I liked how we went over the questions we thought where going to be on the quiz and that we thought should be on the quiz. it helped a lot with what I needed to study and it made me feel good about taking the test because , I knew what was going to be on it so I was very prepared besides a couple of vocab words.


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