In class we talked about the story a message to Garcia. I learned that it was published in 1899 and sold 40 million was so popular they made it into a movie twice. the setting is during the Spanish American war. I also learned about the characters involved in the story. Garcia is a revolutionary seeking Cuban independence from Spain. Rowan is an army officer. McKinley is the president William McKinley the 25th president and was assassinated by an anarchist. I also learned about words I didn't know that where in the story. Perihelion is the point when a planet is closest to the sun, and therefore at its brightest. Slipshed means careless ,lackadaisical, slapdash, remiss. Imbecility means incability, feebleness, stupidity. Stenographer means a person who takes dictation in short hand. Missive means a letter, especially a longer official one. Message is doing the right thing without being asked. Lastly, I learned about the word arenta which means excellence of any kind, moral virtue, fulfillment of purpose or function, the act of living to ones full potential.


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