today in class we learned important words and events that happened. that are important to the Greeks. one of those words is agora which is a public open space used for assemblies markets, and center of spiritual and political practices. another word is polis which is a city in ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes and run by citizens. I learned that in 508 BC Kilisthenis came to power, he placed the foundation of Athens democracy. I also learned about Socrates. I learned that he was a great philosopher and Greek philosophy was developed by him. Socrates later went on trial for corrupting Athens youth and was found guilty and sentenced to death. Socrates also has a method called the Socratic method which was the arriving of truth by continually questioning ,obtaining answers, and criticizing the answers. lastly in 508 BC it was the first time in recorded history that people revolted against their rulers. this lead to many other revolts. I learned many new things in class today.
today in class we continued to learn about population and settlement. we learned about life expectancy. life expectancy means the average number of years believed by a group of people born in the same year. some examples are, the highest is in Monaco, 89.52 total- 85.63 men and 95.58 women. U.S. #42 79.68 total- 77.32 men and 81.97 women. lowest Chad 49.81 total- 48.64 men and 51.03 women. we also learned about crude birth rate, which means the number of births per 1,000 of the population. Also we learned about the crude death rate, which means the number of deaths per 1,000 of the population. we learned about rate of natural increase which is produced by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate. this gives us the annual natural growth rate in percentage form-for a country or region. the net migration rate is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year. an excess of persons entering the country is net immigration. this is written as a...
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