
Showing posts from November, 2017
today in class we watched a video about global health. we learned that the world used to have a very low income and life expectancy. the life expectancy is the x-axis and it goes from 25-75 years. the y-axis is the income and it starts at 400-40,0000.400 means they at sick and poor. 40,000 means they are rich and healthy. the life expectancy in 1810 was under 40 yrs. in every country besides U.K. and Netherlands. when a countries industrialization increases so does the life expectancy and 1948 the graph was as wide spread as it has ever been and there is countries that there life expectancy is over 75 and has an income average of 40,000 and there is some areas that have a life expectancy just over 25 and the only make 400 dollars of income. I liked watching the video because it helped me understand the graph a lot more and understand what we where talking about a lot more.
today in class we watched a video that was about population pyramids. I liked watching the video I think it was easier to take notes on. I learned about demographic transition. which has to do with population. we learned that in pre-industrial areas the life expectancy is going up and the child mortality is lowering. also in industrial areas the child mortality lowers and most people move from rural areas to urban areas to be closer to the factories that they work at. lastly we learned about post-industrial areas and that both there birth and death rate lower because the are more stable and there births ad deaths almost even out.  We also learned about things that can effect the population pyramid. one thing is war it effects the pyramid by there being more women then men in a age period because men usual go to war and not women and it effects the amount of elderly over time because a lot of people could have died during the war, the birth rate usual goes up after because its usual...
today in class we went over how we could get extra credit points. we can get points by looking at the website and doing a blog about it and if we make a loan we get five more bonus points and if our class has the most people that donate then we get five more points. on the website Kiva you can select a category that you are interested in donating to and you look at the people that at on it and you pick one that interest you and you can learn more about it. I liked this one women from Africa that wanted money so she could get more chickens and increase the size of her farm. she also wanted a stable income because she is trying to raise two kids on her own. I think that this is a good cause to loan 25 dollars too and it would feel good to give someone that needs money at the moment some help.when she is just trying to increase the size of her small local farm.
today I was late for class because I went to guidance with a friend who was having personal problems. in class we took a test and it was pretty easy I thought. I studied a little for the test but I should have studied the definition a little more. also I liked how we did some of the test using our laptops and got to search the facts about the countries on the CIA website. also I thought it was a good and easy test. I thought it was going to be way harder so I feel pretty confident about my test.
today in class the last people presented their projects. it was a pretty fun class. the projects where done well and I liked when they where done as PowerPoints because they where more interesting and I paid attention to them more than when they where just regular word documents. also I liked most of the projects because they where informational and they where done really well. also I liked that you told us what is going to be on the test on Monday and we went over the questions so we know what the answers are and we know what we need to study before the test. also I thought that it was good you gave Dylan a behavior thing because its disrespectful to be playing games during class and its not cool to do that. I don't think he will be playing games on his laptop anymore during school
today was a fun class. we continued to share our projects. I don't think any groups where really prepared to present our projects. I think this because everyone just read right off there paper and when we where asked questions we froze up and didn't know enough about our sites or countries to answer any questions. next time we do this I think we should all do more research and be more prepared of what where going to say and really get to know the sites we looked at and are comparing. I like doing group projects though because in my group the work was done evenly and you do better when you have more heads to think with.
today was a pretty easy class. In class we had to present our projects and take notes on important things. I was not prepared to present my project because I didn't know we had to present them. I also forgot to post a blog with my project link in it. when we presented our project I think we did good on it.good enough to get an A. when we presented I just went with it and just thought of things to say while we where going and I think me and my group did good with that and though of good and helpful things to say so that people understood our power point. also I think this project was good because we got to compare area population pyramids to one another which helps us understand the countries more. also I liked having to find websites and look at websites that help raise awareness of world hunger. I like this because we learn more about it and ways we can donate and help people who need food.
today in class we started by having a evacuation drill that took awhile to do. then we got back in class and we took a pop quiz. I don't like pop quizzes they make me nervous and I'm never prepared for them. also they shouldn't be allowed to do that because they don't seem right and most of the time people do bad on them and then they hurt your grade. I did okay on the pop quiz I think. I liked the way we did it though by having the questions on the board and then giving us 10 seconds to answer it. I liked it because I didn't have to worry about going back and second guessing my answers and just putting them down. also I kind of didn't like it cause I didn't have time to really think and I was rushed and just put down random answers. class was fun but the pop quiz stressed me out a lot.
today in class we continued to learn about population pyramids. I learned about how you can learn things about an area by the pyramids shape and why some ages have more people than others. for example you can tell when there is a military town because there is a large population of young men. also you can tell when it is a college town because there is a large number of boys and girls in there early twenties. I also learned that in japan and countries where the old population it much larger than the new that they are going to have a lot of problems later because there population is going to decrease a lot and there not going to have enough young people to do jobs that are needed. then we went on a website and I liked it a lot. it showed you the triangles for countries. it helped because it told you the amount of people in age and helped you compare different ages. also you could look at what they predicted it would look like in later years. I liked this because you could see how areas ...
today in class we started by talking about Mr. Schicks job as a movie producer. I learned that he worked on the movie home alone. I also learned about population pyramids. I learned that there are 3 types. the first type is the Christmas tree. it is of developing countries where there is more babies being born than old people and the population is increasing. the second is the box. this is in developed countries. it means that there is a constant number of babies as there is of older people. the last kind is the cup. it is of developed countries. it means that there is more old people than babies being born. so the population of the country is going down. this causes problems because there isn't enough people to do jobs because old people cant do a lot of jobs.