
Showing posts from September, 2017


today in class we finished going over site. I learned that site characteristics are important. For example its important if there is mountains if you want to build a house because you will want the ground to be level if your building homes. Also I learned that people can change the site. For example you can fill a river with land and other things and make more land so you can build more things and develop new land. Lastly we learned that areas are being built on so much that they are flooding because there isn't enough grass and enough drainage for the water to go when it rains a lot or there is a hurricane. Next we learned about situation. Situation means the location of a place relative to other places. Situation helps us find an unfamiliar place by comparing its location with a familiar one. For example a lot of people have been to Florida and they know that it is really hot and then it rains for about an hour and then stops , but not a lot of people have been too Mississippi bu...
today we went over the test we took a while ago. also we started to learn about mental maps. questions that have to do with this are how do you describe where things are? and how do you describe your daily routine? also we learned that a mental map is a persons point of view perception of their area of interaction, most commonly called your activity space.
today in class we had time to do our hw and get caught up on test. we did this so Mr. Schick could get caught up on his grading because he has 3 classes and many class I did my biology hw and I wrote my blog. also I looked over my math notes so I can do good on my test. also I think I did good on my test and that many of the other kids in my class did too. also I finished my Spanish hw and started to study for the quiz we have tomorrow. I liked having kind of a quiet free period to get caught up on all the work I need to do and the hw I forgot about this weekend. when you get a free quiet class you should definitely use it to get your work done and study for the quizzes/test you have that day.
in class today we started to learn about world regions. we leaned that regions are highly contested yet important concept in the study of human geography and can be studied as they relate to space, place , and location. regions allow us to generalize about common characteristics so we can better group them. a formal region is an area with high level of consistency in a certain cultural or physical attribute. also uniform or homogeneous areas where everyone in that region shares common attributes or traits like language , climate , or political system. formal regions are primarily used to determine and outline political , cultural , and economic regions. lastly we started to label the regions on a map. we learned important questions that we will learn to answer. how do geographers describe where tings are? why is each point on Earth unique? why are different places similar? why are some actions unsustainable?
today in class we took a test about excellence, Greeks, and a message to Garcia. before we took the test I wish I would have looked at the message to Garcia vocabulary more because I had trouble on those questions. I was very confident on the rest of the questions. also I couldn't remember how to spell what Socrates was put to death with. I liked how one of the essay questions was about my opinion Socrates. I was confident also on the questions about Socrates and his trial and what the Socratic method is. Socrates was a very good person who believed strongly in what he did for a living and died for it. if I was in his position I would have said what ever I needed to not to be killed. I liked how we went over the questions we thought where going to be on the quiz and that we thought should be on the quiz. it helped a lot with what I needed to study and it made me feel good about taking the test because , I knew what was going to be on it so I was very prepared besides a couple of vo...
today in class we went over questions that are going to be on our quiz. we went over that the quiz was going to be on excellence and Socrates and the message to Garcia. also I learned what synergy is and it is when one things feeds in to another thing and in this case its democracy and excellence. also we went over the message to Garcia. it takes place during the Spanish American war. Garcia is a revolutionary seeking Cuban independence from Spain. rowan is an army officer. McKinley was the president of the time an was assassinated by an anarchist and then MT. Denali was renamed after him. also we talked about the vocab we will need. perihelion is the point when a planet (like mars) is the closest to the sun and therefore at its brightest. also slip shed means a careless person and imbecility means incapable. stenographer a person who takes dictation in shorthand. missive means a letter usually a big one. message means doing the right thing without being asked.
in class on Friday we reviewed Socrates. we went over what he was accused of that got him sentenced to death. he was accused of corrupting the minds of the youth and of not believing in the Greek gods. also we learned about the quote "the unexamined life is not worth living." this quote means that we where giving the minds that think  beyond and ask why and we should use it and think about things and not just live a normal boring life where you don't think of the why of things. also we talked about the hurricanes and how they are going to effect lives and how the government should deal with it. also about how Houston is getting kind of over looked now because another hurricane is coming at Florida. also there was a very big earthquake that is believed is going to cause  a tsunami.
today in class we learned important words and events that happened. that are important to the Greeks. one of those words is agora which is a public open space used for assemblies markets, and center of  spiritual and political practices. another word is polis which is a city in ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes and run by citizens. I learned that in 508 BC Kilisthenis came to power, he placed the foundation of Athens democracy. I also learned about Socrates. I learned that he was a great philosopher and Greek philosophy was developed by him. Socrates later went on trial for corrupting Athens youth and was found guilty and sentenced to death. Socrates also has a method called the Socratic method which was the arriving of truth by continually questioning ,obtaining answers, and criticizing the answers.  lastly in 508 BC it was the first time in recorded history that people revolted against their rulers. this lead to many other ...
In class we talked about the story a message to Garcia. I learned that it was published in 1899 and sold 40 million was so popular they made it into a movie twice. the setting is during the Spanish American war. I also learned about the characters involved in the story. Garcia is a revolutionary seeking Cuban independence from Spain. Rowan is an army officer. McKinley is the president William McKinley the 25th president and was assassinated by an anarchist. I also learned about words I didn't know that where in the story. Perihelion is the point when a planet is closest to the sun, and therefore at its brightest. Slipshed means careless ,lackadaisical, slapdash, remiss. Imbecility means incability, feebleness, stupidity. Stenographer means a person who takes dictation in short hand. Missive means a letter, especially a longer official one. Message is doing the right thing without being asked. Lastly, I learned about the word arenta which means excellence of any kind, mora...
in this story it shows that people want workers that will get things done without asking questions.Workers are not desired that ask questions and don't do what there ask and then the boss has to do it.also workers that do what there asked and work hard don't have to go on strike for higher pay there already paid well because there work doesn't want to lose them because they are needed .now half hearted work is very common and men threaten and beg for another mans assistance in there work .now bosses just smile and ignore when the workers cant do what there asked and then have to find the time there selves to find it. workers aren't as reliable to get things done because they don't do it right when there asked so they get distracted and cant remember exactly what they where asked to do .also it says that the men running the building are often frown on when they fire people  .but most of the time there not doing there work and there incapable and that's the reason...