today we walked in class and had a pop quiz. the quiz was pretty easy and I got to wrong because I mixed the x and y axis's up on what they are showing. the x axis is the wealth and y axis is the life expectancy and I wrote it backwards. I also learned about what the stages mean on the graph. in stage 1 the birth rate is high, the death rate is high, and the natural increase is stable. in stage 2 the birth rate is high, death rate is falling rapidly, and natural increase is very rapidly increasing. in stage 3 the birth rate is falling, death rate is falling slowly, and natural increase is stable or is increasing slowly. in stage 4 the birth rate is low, the death rate is low, and natural increase is stable or slowly increasing. in the last stage, stage 5 the birth rate is very low, death rate is low, and natural increase is stable or slowly decreasing. the countries go through these stages as their industrialization increases.


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