
Showing posts from December, 2017
today in class you weren't here so we had a sub. in class I went to your blog and saw that we wont have a test before exams which is a relief because I wont have to study for the test and then study for everything else that is on the exam. in class I looked at my notes in my note book that I have taken this tear and made it into a quizlet. I feel pretty good about the human geo exam because I understand everything that we have gone over so far in this class. this class was pretty helpful because it helped me get organized and prepared to study for my mid term exam for this class.
today in class we went over the poop quiz and I got a 70 on it which is ok but I think I could have done better. then we talked about a test we will take next week and it sounds pretty easy because it only multiple choice and its about everything we have learned recently and I understand it all. also I am nervous for exams but I think that the human geo one will be ok because we are getting a review about everything and we are getting the exact essays that are on it so I think I will be good for that one.
today we walked in class and had a pop quiz. the quiz was pretty easy and I got to wrong because I mixed the x and y axis's up on what they are showing. the x axis is the wealth and y axis is the life expectancy and I wrote it backwards. I also learned about what the stages mean on the graph. in stage 1 the birth rate is high, the death rate is high, and the natural increase is stable. in stage 2 the birth rate is high, death rate is falling rapidly, and natural increase is very rapidly increasing. in stage 3 the birth rate is falling, death rate is falling slowly, and natural increase is stable or is increasing slowly. in stage 4 the birth rate is low, the death rate is low, and natural increase is stable or slowly increasing. in the last stage, stage 5 the birth rate is very low, death rate is low, and natural increase is stable or slowly decreasing. the countries go through these stages as their industrialization increases.