
Showing posts from August, 2017
today in class we started by helping people who had trouble doing there blog. Then we went over the class syllabus. from going over the syllabus I learned that I should have an opinion but listen to others and not label what people are like by there opinions. Also I learned how things are graded and how they are class I learned that human geo is important because it isn't just about the land but how the land effects people and there lives. Which is important to learn. I learned what I should do if I miss class and where to find him most of the time and what times he is available. Also I learned that we will do pop quizzes and we will do open blog test so I should take good notes and write them in my blog after class. I learned a lot in class today about how the class is going to work.
my first day at school was good. I had a lot of fun meeting teachers and new friends. I was nervous for high school at first but then we had kick start and orientation and I felt good about starting school. I like high school a lot more than I liked middle school. Everyone I have met has been really first I thought the upper class men where going to be mean and not like me, but they are nice and helpful. I am also now friends with some upper class men. I also started field hockey and its a lot of fun. The coach is really good and I have met some new people I am now close with. I also like how we have an advisory so we can meet some upper class men and become close with them and have a teacher you can be close with. Also I like that I get to take a language al year so I can be good at it. so far high school has been a good experience.